Join the National True Cost of Living Coalition

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Struggling to make ends meet isn't enough. We all deserve an opportunity to make a better life for ourselves and our families. 

Our goal is to build national consensus for a new way to accurately measure economic security by realistically accounting for what American families truly need to live, work, take care of their loved ones and plan for the future. 

Existing measures of economic need don’t tell the full story. Today, 65% of middle-class Americans report that they are “struggling financially” and don’t believe their situation will ever improve, according to our recent polling. 40% of all Americans don’t have enough financial security to plan beyond their next paycheck. 

Our country needs a new economic measure that accurately reflects what so many hard-working Americans are experiencing to create better-informed policies that meet people’s needs. 

The National True Cost of Living Coalition is a broad-based group of policy, labor, business, philanthropic, and community leaders who are dedicated to ensuring that true economic security is a possibility for all Americans. Join us today.